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AFF Skydiving school by Skydive Croatia

AFF Skydiving course (Accelerated freefall)

Skydiving, with its dose of adrenaline and freedom, intrigues brave individuals around the world. Those who seek an intense experience and rapid progress often turn to a training method called AFF (Accelerated Freefall). Skydive Croatia conducts AFF training in accordance with the rules and guidelines of the United States Parachute Association (USPA), providing participants with a unique experience under expert guidance

AFF Skydiving school and courses by Skydive Croatia

What is AFF Skydiving Training method?

AFF Skydiving Training (Accelerated Freefall) is an intensive program that allows participants to progress rapidly in skydiving education and the sport itself. Unlike traditional methods such as static-line, AFF training enables you to jump solo from the maximum altitude (3000-4000 meters) right from your first jump. The program is designed to swiftly develop your skills, providing the necessary knowledge and experience for safely enjoying the thrill of skydiving.

As participants use their own parachute, it is crucial to ensure they know how to handle extraordinary situations and land safely. AFF training typically involves several hours of theoretical ground training, and the first jump can often be completed on the same day. While the USPA Online Ground School is not a substitute for the skydiving school offered by Skydive Croatia, it provides valuable information for the first jump and serves as an excellent refresher for all training participants. It includes videos and information about parachute equipment, aircraft exit and freefall, parachute flight and landing, as well as emergency procedures.

How does AFF training work?

The participant exits the aircraft with two AFF instructors, engaging in freefall for 30-60 seconds, depending on the jump altitude, usually ranging from 3000 to 4000 meters. Instructors maintain contact with the participant, providing guidance in the air and assisting in maintaining stability as needed.

The participant deploys their own parachute at approximately 1500 meters and steers the parachute towards the landing zone.

AFF training consists of approximately 25 jumps divided into eight categories, A-H, all under the expert supervision of AFF instructors and a USPA coach. Each jump has clearly defined goals and tasks that participants must execute to progress to the next training phase. Instructors accompany participants in freefall throughout categories A-H, ensuring they always have guidance, support, and feedback to enhance their skills and expedite the learning curve.

Exercises in the Wind Tunnel or Free Fall Simulator

Participants in the AFF training undergo a 15-minute session in the wind tunnel, focusing on improving stability, maneuvering skills, and parachute deployment. This free fall simulation provides a secure environment for refining and preparing techniques before solo jumps, establishing a strong foundation for a safe and successful progression through the training and the enjoyment of freefall.

Skydiving equipment and Safety

Skydive Croatia places a paramount emphasis on safety throughout the AFF training. Participants will be equipped with state-of-the-art gear, including helmets, jumpsuits, and, of course, specially designed training parachutes. Instructors will closely supervise all training phases to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

Requirements for attending the AFF Skydiving course

Skydiving is a sport that demands a certain level of psycho-physical fitness from its participants, and as such, there are specific conditions for enrolling in a skydiving training.

1. Medical Examination

According to current regulations in Croatia, individuals engaged in skydiving must possess a valid medical certificate for participating in the sport. Before enrolling in a skydiving school, candidates must undergo a medical examination for skydiving. You can find a list of recommended institutions for the examination at the following link - Medical Examination for Skydiving

2. Weight

Due to safety limitation related to skydiving equipment used in skydiving training, the upper weight limit for candidates enrolling in the training is 100 kg. Additionally, the body mass index is taken into consideration.

3. Age Limits

All participants above 18 years of age who meet the other conditions listed in this text can enroll in the Skydive Croatia skydiving school. Individuals who have reached the age of 16 can also enroll with the consent and signature of a parent or legal guardian. There is no upper age limit; it depends on the psycho-physical capabilities of the candidate.


The AFF training with Skydive Croatia offers a structured yet thrilling path towards achieving solo skydiving. With experienced instructors, modern equipment, and meticulously guided training following USPA regulations, participants will undergo an incredible experience that will leave them passionate about skydiving. The freedom provided by freefall in AFF training is unparalleled, and Skydive Croatia ensures that this experience is both unforgettable and safe.

AFF course cost

The AFF training for the first jump requires more resources and staff support compared to other methods, reflecting in the initial higher cost. The price list for AFF skydiving training can be found here: Skydiving Training Price List.

Instructors accompany participants in freefall throughout categories A-H, ensuring they always have an instructor by their side, providing the necessary support and feedback to enhance their skills and expedite the learning curve.

Skydiving school parachute type

PK Skydive Croatia uses parachutes manufactured by Mars for student skydiving training.

Harness & container: Mars, Real-X - student
Main canopy Mars, M 291
Reserve canopy Mars, WP-210
AAD Mars, M2 multi
The surface of the pilotchute 0.55 ㎡
Main canopy dimension 8.28 x 3.26 m
Main canopy size 27.01 ㎡ (291 sqf)
Cell number 9
Main canopy weight max. 5.6 kg
The descent speed at a weight of 100 kg depends on the degree of braking 3 - 5.5 m/s
Gliding ratio 2.5 - 3:1
Time required for a 360° turn 5 - 8 s
Canopy speed at a 100 kg load. max 12 m/s, (43 km/h), (23 kt), (26.8 mp/h)

Skydiving instructors at PK Skydive Croatia

Allow us to introduce our instructors and their qualifications who will be instructing and guiding you through your theoretical and practical skydiving training.

Angelo Vuletić

  • Apx. 5000 jumps
  • CCAA D license
  • CCAA skydiving instructor
  • CCAA tandem instructor
  • CCAA Senior rigger
  • USPA D licence
  • USPA Coach
  • USPA Static-line instructor
  • USPA AFF instructor
  • USPA Tandem instructor
  • USPA S&TA (Safty and training advisor)
  • Strong Enterprises Tandem instructor
  • UPT Sigma Tandem instructor
  • ParaAvis Tandem instructor

Marko Premužić

  • Apx. 3000 jumps
  • CCAA D license
  • CCAA skydiving instructor
  • CCAA tandem instructor
  • DFV Senior rigger
  • USPA D licence
  • USPA Coach
  • USPA Tandem instructor
  • UPT Sigma Tandem instructor

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