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Publish date: 20.08.2019

13 reasons why Tandem Experti should be your first Tandem Skydiving choice

1. Tandem jumps from 4000 meters
Every weekend, and working days as well, we give you the best: a tandem jump from 4000 meters. A jump from this height give you 60 seconds of amazing free fall, and Tandem Experti are the only ones in Croatia who can make that happen.

2. Transportation included
Don’t have your own ride? No problem! We provide our clients with a joint transfer from Zagreb to the jump’s location. Best thing? The transfer price is included in the jump price!

3. High quality cameras - GoPro7 Black
Who doesn’t like a good photo or video? We know we do! And that’s why we have the best camera equipment currently available on the market - GoPro7 Black. This ensures that your shots and photos are of the best quality.

4. Members of the Croatian National Parachute Team
Here in Tandem Experti you are not jumping with just anybody. All of our instructors are former or current members of the Croatian National Parachute Team, which guarantees that you are jumping with the best.

5. No recorded injuries
Worried about injuries? Don’t be! Since we started there have been no records of injuries among our jumpers whilst performing standard tandem jumps. Knowing this, we can safely say that you are in good hands.

6. Various payment methods
We follow all the online trends and, in addition to the standard cash or bill payment, we also allow payment services such as PayPal, Revolut, Monesa, TransferWise, Coinbase, as well as others that are in preparation.

7. No hidden costs
Honesty and complete transparency are important to us, and that’s why we have no additional costs such as rent of the overalls, surcharges for jump heights, logistics costs, etc. All costs can be found in our price list.

8. Additional benefits
We strive to make the experience as good as possible, and that’s why we provide a variety of additional benefits. Benefits include additional gift vouchers from our partners, gift bracelets as proof of jumping with Tandem Experti, membership in the Facebook Jumpers Club, and many more.

9. Let’s be friends!
We love meeting people and making new friends, so it’s important to us to build a good and friendly relationship with our jumpers, and to give them a fun and relaxed atmosphere before the jump. We aim to be friends with our jumpers and strive to keep in touch even after the jumps.

10. Hanging out after the jump / After-jump shenanigans
Like we said, we love making friends. This also means hanging out after the jump and talking about it with a glass of cold beverage. And if you took the day off, chances are you will be spending the rest of your day with drinks and a delicious BBQ.

11. FB Group Membership - Tandem Experti Jumpers Club
Our newest addition is our Facebook group Tandem Experti Jumpers Club (Tandem Experti Klub skakača). It’s a club of former jumpers, dedicated friends, online followers and future jumpers who would maybe love to jump for themselves. There you will receive infos about special benefits, discounts and last minute offers which could help you experience this adrenaline hype all over again, and on privileged terms.

12. Parachuting involvement counselling
Wanna help out, or join? It will be our pleasure to explain to you all aspects of getting involved in skydiving, education and training, as well as your career opportunities in skydiving.

13. Partnerships, sponsorships or affiliate programs
Depending on your profession, hobbies, skills, areas of interest and activities, we discuss with all our candidates the possibility of a two-way collaboration that can help you achieve your own progress and development. This can be achieved through affiliate programs, sponsorships or sales agent programs.

skydive in croatia

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Web stranicu smo prilagodili suvremenim tehnološkim potrebama te smo vam omogućili da rezervacije tandem skokova i kupnju poklon bonova obavite online popunjavanjem rezervacijskog ili obrasca za narudžbu poklon bonova.

Omogućujemo vam i razne načine online plaćanja kako nacionalnim bankama tako i internacionalnim. Uz plaćanje putem bankovnog transfera prihvaćamo uplate i putem sljedećih servisa: Revolut, Monese, Transferwise i Curve.

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