Publish date: 01.10.2021
Skydiving Boogie in Varaždin by Skydive Croatia – 16.10.. & 17.10.2021.
Varaždin Skydiving Boogie in 2021. returns again in the period from 16.10. do 17.10.2021. at Varaždin Airport and again brings skydives from 4000 meters - Pilatus PC-6.
Everyone who will attend the event, please confirm your arrival. For tandem jumpers (people jumping for the first time in a tandem with an instructor) please make reservations for your skydive on our website
Info for Licensed skydivers: please open or register an account on the manifest platform which is used for manifesting and confirm your arrival in our inbox.
Other information:
EXPERIENCE: Minimum experience: A parachute license or higher. Tandem passengers with a tandem instructor. If Varaždin Airport in the meantime returns the status of a registered Airport, skydivers with category A licence will also be welcomed.
- Aircraft: Pilatus PC-6.
- Jump height: 4000 meters.
- Location: Varaždin Airport.
- Fun jump ticket: 30 EUR.
- Tandem jump: 240,00 eur + video option additionaly.

Povežite se s nama
Da ne bi propustili važne pogodnosti i obavijesti pozivamo vas da nas pratite na sljedećim društvenim mrežama i servisima.
Web stranicu smo prilagodili suvremenim tehnološkim potrebama te smo vam omogućili da rezervacije tandem skokova i kupnju poklon bonova obavite online popunjavanjem rezervacijskog ili obrasca za narudžbu poklon bonova.
Omogućujemo vam i razne načine online plaćanja kako nacionalnim bankama tako i internacionalnim. Uz plaćanje putem bankovnog transfera prihvaćamo uplate i putem sljedećih servisa: Revolut, Monese, Transferwise i Curve.